
Starting from the Indonesian Graphic Center

Pusgrafin was the executor of duties in the field of Graphic Trainings since 1969 which was directly under the Minister of Education and Culture.

Training Subject: 


Compose Letters

Reproduction Photos

Large Offset Printing

Small Offset Printing

High Print and Screen Printing

Graphic Finishing

Graphic Material Testing

Graphic Business Management

Book Publishing

Mechanical and Electrical Care

The policy to revitalize Pusgrafin into a polytechnic is a move by the Ministry of Education and Culture to follow up on President SBY’s direction in his speech at the Indonesian Cultural Products Week at the JCC, June 4, 2008.

“…. We now must look at the creative and cultural industry as the way to our economic future.”

Minister of Education Decree Number 60 of 2008 concerning the Establishment of Polimedia was issued with the mandate to produce skilled graduates and support the development of the national creative industry.