

It is the center for research and community service governance in Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif. The goal is to become a leading research and innovation institution in the creative industry. Further information can be accessed via



It carries out its main tasks in terms of assurance, quality improvement, and development of learning regularly and continuously. Various trainings are provided for quality improvement at Polimedia. Further information can be accessed via


Career Development Center 

It was specially formed to prepare the careers of prospective graduates through various activities that hone soft skills such as student creativity programs, apprenticeship programs for BUMN certified, provides information on job vacancies, and campus hiring. Further information can be accessed via


Business Incubation

It was specially formed to improve students’ entrepreneurial skills in the creative industry. The Student Entrepreneurship Program is a superior program which is expected to train students’ entrepreneurial spirit from an early age to foster a creative entrepreneurial spirit.